Lögmenn stofunnar veita þjónustu á sviði hugverkaréttar. Þeir hafa meðal annars mikla reynslu í að leiðbeina við ákvarðanir um vernd vörumerkja hérlendis og erlendis. Jafnframt sinna lögmenn stofunnar rekstri dómsmála. Stofan hefur víðtæk sambönd við lögmenn sem starfa á sama sviði í öðrum löndum.
Grein birt þann 22. 4. 2014, í Journal of Intellectual Property Law & Practice sem er hluti af Oxford Journals. Hægt er að skoða greinina hér.
Þá hefur Sigurjónsson & Thor verið Top Ranked hjá Chambers and Partners á árunum 2009 – 2022 og hlotið eftirfarandi umsagnir:
What the team is known for
Sigurjónsson & Thor is an outstanding IP boutique that has a particular focus on trade mark matters. The law firm has notable experience in registration and opposition proceedings.
“The lawyers have a wide knowledge of the legal systems, both locally and internationally. They are real experts. Their responsiveness is one of their top qualities.”
Notable practitioners
Valborg Kjartansdóttir is knowledgeable in trade mark registration and opposition mandates. “Valborg Kjartansdóttir has unbeatable knowledge in IP.”
Magnús Haukur Magnússon is a highly experienced practitioner in the IP market, assisting clients with trade mark prosecution and litigation. “He is very capable and has longstanding experience.” “Magnús Haukur Magnússon is totally reliable.”
What the team is known for
Sigurjónsson & Thor is an outstanding IP boutique that has a particular focus on trade mark matters. The law firm has notable experience in trade mark registration and opposition proceedings.
Notable practitioners
Magnús Haukur Magnússon has longstanding experience in the IP market, assisting clients with trade mark disputes.
Valborg Kjartansdóttir is knowledgeable in trade mark registration and opposition mandates.
What the team is known for Outstanding IP boutique that has a particular focus on trade mark matters. Advises on trade mark registration and prosecution mandates, with further experience in subsequent infringement cases. Assists with the filing of opposition proceedings on behalf of companies seeking to block the registration of similar marks. Acts for both domestic and international clients and offers expertise in the food and beverage, financial and technology sectors. Particularly noted for assisting globally recognised corporations with Icelandic trade mark matters and obtaining domain names.
Strengths One client highlights the team’s “attentiveness and detailed responses,” adding: “They can handle both prosecution and litigation work with ease.”
Work highlights Advised the Elon Group on the registration of various designs in Iceland, including the reversal of initial refusals by the Icelandic Intellectual Property Office and the protection of the company’s trade mark rights.
Notable practitioners
Magnús Haukur Magnússon has longstanding experience in the IP market, assisting clients with trade mark disputes. He has a strong track record of handling multi-jurisdictional mandates.
Valborg Kjartansdóttir assists leading multinationals with trade mark registration mandates, including the communication with the Icelandic IP authority. She is additionally experienced in design matters.
What the team is known for Outstanding IP boutique that has a particular focus on trade mark matters. Advises on trade mark registration and prosecution mandates, with further experience in subsequent infringement cases. Assists with the filing of opposition on behalf of companies seeking to block the registration of similar marks. Acts for both domestic and international clients and offers expertise in the food and beverage, financial and technology sectors. Particularly noted for assisting globally recognised corporations with Icelandic trade mark matters and obtaining domain names.
Strengths Sources commend the lawyers’ “quick response time,” in addition to their ability to “understand the client’s position and what is needed.”
Work highlights Represented Niceland Seafood in a trade mark dispute before the District Court, concerning the appeal for an injunction request.
Notable practitioners
Magnús Haukur Magnússon is a highly regarded practitioner, advising clients on trade mark disputes, with a strong focus on cross-border mandates. Sources say he “provides excellent legal service and is responsive and efficient.”
Valborg Kjartansdóttir handles various trade mark disputes before the PTO, concerning infringement, registration and rejection. Clients commend her for being “very prompt in responding and very good at sending out acknowledgements.”
What the team is known for: Outstanding IP boutique that has a particular focus on trade mark matters. Advises on trade mark registration and prosecution mandates, with further experience in subsequent infringement cases. Assists with the filing of oppositions on behalf of companies seeking to block the registration of similar marks. Acts for both domestic and international clients and offers substantial expertise in the media and technology sectors.
Strengths: “The team is well equipped to handle matters in an outstanding way, even very complicated issues. I have always felt appreciated as a client, and all matters and strategies are well explained and executed,” states one interviewee.
What the team is known for: Outstanding IP boutique offering a comprehensive service, ranging from trade mark registration to dispute resolution before the courts in relation to infringement cases and other disputes. Acts for an impressive list of international clients, including Starbucks, PepsiCo and Novartis.
Strengths: One source remarks: “Any enquiries were dealt with efficiently and they provided very good value for money.”
Work highlights Represented Samba in a dispute before the Supreme Court of Iceland relating to the ‘Sushisamba’ trade mark.
Assisted Booking.com with the registration of ‘Booking.com’ as a trade mark following the Patent Office’s initial rejection of the application.
Notable practitioners Clients describe Magnús Haukur Magnússon as “a magnificent trade mark attorney” and value his “experience of the truly international IP and trade mark cases.” On top of his trade mark expertise, he has extensive experience assisting clients with patent and copyright disputes.
Valborg Kjartansdóttir has “good technical awareness” and provides “effective solutions.” She has extensive experience in this area, advising a number of domestic and foreign clients.
What the team is known for: Well-reputed IP boutique regularly assisting major international clients with any issues relating to trade marks, patents and designs. Provides a full-service approach from the registration of trade marks to representation before the courts in relation to infringement cases and other disputes.
Strengths: One client reports: “It is very useful to have someone who has the local knowledge. I felt that they were honest with their advice.”
Another interviewee says that “they did an excellent job” in finding “the best way to protect the client’s interests.”
Notable practitioners: Magnús Haukur Magnússon is described by clients as “a nice, forward-thinking person who is very good at explaining everything.” He is a trade mark expert and experienced litigator, regularly representing the interests of clients before the Patent Office or district courts.
Head of department Valborg Kjartansdóttir has a wealth of experience in this sector and recently assisted Moleskine with the protection of its name as a trade mark. She is highlighted by market commentators as “very responsive” and “very capable.”
What the team is known for: Excellent IP boutique offering focused expertise on trade mark applications and prosecutions, regularly acting for foreign or international clients on alleged infringements in Iceland. Offers its clients a service covering all stages of registering and protecting rights, from evaluation of IP to representation before the authorities in disputed cases.
Strengths (Quotes mainly from clients): “Promptly responds to our requests for information, diligently handles our Iceland-related matters and achieves excellent results.”
“The team is down to earth and just easy to work with. When the lawyers are running cases, their modesty and humble nature means judges respect them and their approach, which really helps.”
What the team is known for: Excellent IP boutique offering focused expertise on trade mark applications and prosecutions, regularly acting for foreign or international clients on alleged infringements in Iceland. Offers its clients a service covering all stages of registering and protecting rights, from evaluation of IP to representation before the authorities in disputed cases.
Strengths (Quotes mainly from clients): “Promptly responds to our requests for information, diligently handles our Iceland-related matters and achieves excellent results.”
“The team is down to earth and just easy to work with. When the lawyers are running cases, their modesty and humble nature means judges respect them and their approach, which really helps.”
What the team is known for: Best known for its expertise in trade mark and patent registration. Clients include international household names in the social media, pharmaceutical and automotive industries.
Strengths (Quotes mainly from clients): The lawyers work well as a team and communicate excellently.
Sources say: Extremely responsive and impressive from a technical point of view.” “Switched-on in terms of highlighting local legal issues to international clients.
KEY INDIVIDUALS Magnús Haukur Magnússon is a well-respected litigator. Interviewees praise his knowledge, experience and responsiveness and confirm his position as a leading market player.
Clients enjoy working with Valborg Kjartansdóttir and admire her know-how and dedication. She has particular expertise regarding trade marks and domain names.
Sources say: “The team always offers efficient and impressive assistance.”
THE FIRM: This trade mark boutique attracts national and international clients and encompasses a patent office capable of handling disputes. Recent highlights include successfully representing an international pharmaceutical company in a trade mark dispute. Other long-standing clients include MTV Networks and EMI Group.Trade mark and competition specialist Valborg Kjartansdóttir receives praise from all corners. A client comments: “She is extremely dedicated and finds strategies that work.” Peers commend the trade mark expertise of Magnús Haukur Magnússon. He often represents clients before the district courts and Supreme Court.
This boutique is highly regarded for its strong trade mark practice. It has attracted an impressive clientele, including large international companies, and primarily deals with cross-border mandates. Its major clients include MTV Networks, EMI Group and United Biscuits. The compact team also regularly provides trade mark advice to Icelandic manufacturers exporting their products overseas. Interviewees describe Magnús Haukur Magnússon as “a leading practitioner in the field of trade marks.” He is frequently present acting on trade mark litigation cases. Valborg Kjartansdóttir has dedicated her practice to trade mark questions for over two decades. Sources enthusiastically recommend her work in this area, as well as in domain name issues.
This boutique (Sigurjónsson & Thor ehf.) is praised for its specialisation in trade mark registration both nationally and internationally. It also advises clients on patents, unfair competition and IP litigation. The firm benefits from the long experience of partner Magnús Haukur Magnússon.
This IP boutique has made a name for itself with a successful focus on trade mark and unfair competition matters. It frequently advices Icelandic patent and trade mark owners, and yet the majority of tis work involves assisting international companies with trade mark searches, the registration of trade marks and opposition against trade mark applications. Peers admire the group´s foreign clientele – one of the biggest and most diverse in Iceland – including global giants. The company has two renowned partners, who dedicate themselves entirely to IP matters.
Magnús Haukur Magnússon takes on considerable trade mark, copyright and patents work while Valborg Kjartansdóttir is the country´s only lawyer with over two decades of exclusive experience in trade mark work.
WTR 1000 – The World’s Leading Trademark professionals:
Lean and nimble boutique Sigurjónsson & Thor punches well above its weight across the spectrum of brand protection. Its lawyers are heavily invested in every case and know every fact off by heart, thanks to the countless hours of facetime they put in and their laser focus on quality. Clients appreciate their “prompt response times, swift service in demanding situations and excellent strategic advice”. The side recently put in a polished performance at the ISIPO on behalf of Banana Republic, where Valborg Kjartansdóttir ensured that the client successfully secured its rights and avoided a lengthy dispute as well as significant costs. Kjartansdóttir’s commercially oriented strategies, level-headedness and unfaltering commitment to the cause have won her a loyal following of A-listers. She often links up with Supreme Court litigator Magnús Hrafn Magnússon, who receives glowing praise from foreign correspondents: “Diligent and hardworking, Magnús has impeccable attention to detail and provides in-depth analyses at blazing speeds. He is a top-tier practitioner who gets excellent results through persuasive negotiation and argumentation.” Completing the all-star line-up is Magnús Haukur Magnússon, an avid problem solver who will never settle for less. The tried-and-tested litigator has also served on the board of the Association of Icelandic Trademark and Patent Agents since 2007.
“Sigurjónsson & Thor is best in class for prosecution, litigation and dispute resolution. It dishes out excellent strategic advice, files swiftly and does well in high pressure situations.” A perfect example of this is the side’s recent success at the ISIPO on behalf of Ferrero, where it managed to overturn an unfavourable decision regarding the 3D trademark protection of its packaging. “Exceptional attorneys” Valborg Kjartansdóttir and Magnús Hrafn Magnússon were the masterminds behind the operation. In the words of one enthusiastic client: “We can sleep soundly knowing they are working on our cases; they are super productive and able to achieve the desired outcome in a cost-effective way.” Kjartansdóttir boasts over 30 years’ courtroom experience and has helped to shape the legal landscape during her time on the board of the Association of Icelandic Trademark and Patent Agents. “Hrafn Magnússon is an important ally to those wanting to build new brands. He is an amazing analyst who provides in-depth solutions at blazing speeds as well as a skilful negotiator who can remove any obstacle, allowing his clients to proceed unimpeded. To top it off, he is extremely well connected in the trademark world.” The final pillar of the practice is Magnús Haukur Magnússon, a Supreme Court attorney who shines when confronted by a knottydispute.
Not just one of the top law firms in Iceland but one of the top companies in the country, Sigurjónsson & Thor is a household name. The IP and unfair competition specialist has a particularly striking performance history when it comes to overturning unfavourable Icelandic Patent Office (IPO) decisions and getting powerful protections on the register; within the past year it has added to its track record of success with excellent results for Apple with respect to its APP STORE mark and also for Novartis. Representing both clients before the Patent Office and Board of Appeal is Valborg Kjartansdóttir. She has helped guide the development of Icelandic IP law over the course of her 30-year tenure as a partner at the firm and is as knowledgeable as they come on domestic and European trademark law. A Sigurjónsson partner for over 20 years, Magnús Haukur Magnússon is another vastly experienced lawyer; he is a particular expert operating at the confluence of IP and competition law. The firm is great at developing up-and-coming talent which is why Supreme Court attorney Magnús Hrafn Magnússon has flourished since joining three years back; as a result of his sterling work, he was made partner in 2018.
IP and competition outfit Sigurjónsson & Thor is not only one of the top law firms in Iceland, but also one of the most respected companies of any type; its name is a guarantee of quality. Best known for its contentious prowess and track record for working on precedent-setting cases, the squad has lately been involved in a widely publicised trademark infringement dispute, acting on behalf of Samba LLC to protect its SUSHISAMBA trademark; it managed to secure a favourable Supreme Court decision, which clarified the rules surrounding bad-faith claims under the Icelandic Trademarks Act. Teamwork was the order of the day here: Valborg Kjartansdóttir presented the case before the Icelandic Patent Office and Board of Appeal; Magnús Haukur Magnússon held it down in the district court; and WTR 1000 debutant Magnús Hrafn Magnússon advocated in the Supreme Court. While Samba dominated the headlines, of late the team has also been getting stuck into other meaty trademark matters. For instance, Kjartansdóttir achieved success for B Braun Melsungen, arguing for the distinctive character of a trademark before the Patent Office, while Hrafn Magnússon repeated this trick for Booking.com.
Gold-plated boutique Sigurjónsson & Thor has practised at the vanguard of the Nordic trademark scene for nearly 50 years. Its dedicated, service-minded and responsive professionals are polished courtroom performers and know what it takes to bring administrative disputes before the patent office to a successful close. On the non-contentious side, it can also field any questions relating to the protection of trademarks in Iceland and and executes flawlessly on both large-scale filing programmes and single-instance applications. Forming one of the most experienced IP pairings in the region are Valborg Kjartansdóttir and Magnus Magnússon. Kjartansdóttir has been a partner at the firm for well over two decades, and has also occupied many high-level positions in the Icelandic Bar Association and the Association of Icelandic Trademark and Patent Agents; she knows the local IP landscape inside out. So too does Magnússon, a Supreme Court attorney with a finely honed understanding of trademark and competition law.
Trademark and unfair competition law specialist Sigurjónsson & Thor breaks into the gold tier this year on the back of the results it has secured for some of the world’s most renowned brands. The firm hit the headlines when it represented Starbucks before the Icelandic Board of Appeal in a matter concerning the issuance of the CAFFE VERONA mark. Significant work for Japanese brand Uni-Charm was also widely reported in the press. Representing both of giants was the quick-witted Valborg Kjartansdóttir; the consummate professional deploys her longstanding experience to untangle knotty scenarios. Magnus Magnússon is a smooth operator before the Supreme Court; the decorated partner has a number of impressive victories to his name.
Practising exclusively in trademarks and unfair competition, the lawyers at this boutique live and breathe trademark law and procedure. An in-house database of all trademarks registered in Iceland is just one of the dedicated tools that set it apart from peers. It has a particular facility for oppositions and precedent-setting litigation; on behalf of a leading Icelandic jeweller, it secured a ruling from the district court that the transfer of a business includes all trademarks if there is no agreement to the contrary. It has also prevailed before the patent office for Elle magazine publishers and O2. Acclaimed duo Valborg Kjartansdottir and Magnus Magnússon enjoy prominent standing among peers for their active engagement in the legal community and expansive, up-to-date IP knowledge.
This stunning boutique has turned away from patent work to focus exclusively on trademark matters and can offer well-honed advice on the entire lifecycle of a mark. The majority of mandates come from overseas, with major players in the pharmaceutical sector a mainstay of its illustrious clientele. The firm is home to two of Iceland’s most venerated practitioners, Valborg Kjartansdottir and Magnus Magnússon, they “are both never short of excellent and share an outstanding command of the law”.
Cost effective, higly efficient and with an exclusive focus on trademark matters, Sigurjonsson & Thor is a dynamic presence on the market. In recent years the firm has secured an increased stake in the filing market, as clients – the majority of which are based overseas – recognise the quality of service on offer. Its sterling reputation is also acknowledged in the contentious sphere, where it expertly handles suits across a range of industries. “Highly accomplished and unreservedly recommended” Magnus Magnusson has extensive experience both in private practise and as a Supreme Court attorney. Valborg Kjartansdóttir is a “main player in Iceland; she is an outstanding lawyer who devises brilliant strategies to achieve the best possible results”.